October 29, 2012


I'm a little behind with blogging so here are some happening from my phone.
This is my arm. P was teething I think. He has since cut 4 more teeth.

I didnt tighten the straps and I was worried he was going to jump out

a particularly happy day on the way home from the gym. living the life

17 months! Its crazy he's that old now! and a whopping 25 lbs too!

Enjoying a sucker
sugar high?

Such a big helper. He wanted to carry the TP at the grocery store

There is one cabinet in the kitchen that doesnt have safety locks and he LOVES to play in it. (only contains plastic bowls and napkin rings)

he's gotten into hiding lately. same cabinet

even the pantry

P at the park riding a little motocyle

This was sunday. Poor thing wasnt feeling well and I guess was acting up for Drew at church. Drews dad used to put him on a stack of chairs when he was little and being bad a church. 

Proud parent moments. Mine was throwing food at Parker. haha. The other day he needed to eat lunch, hardly ate all day. But he decided to throw it all on the ground and wouldnt listen to me telling him to stop. so, I threw it back. haha. it was ripped up pieces of lunch meat and cut up string cheese. Yeah, I'm the best mom. Take notes. ;)


  1. He is getting so big and looking more and more like Drew! So have you been at dental school for 2 years now (in your second year)? Crazy how time flies :)

  2. @cara yep, we are in the second year! it is super crazy that we've been in Kentucky almost a year and a half and even crazier that I have a kid that old!! he sure is getting big and getting a mind of his own. he has no problem telling me no. little stinker!
