August 05, 2010

And the first interview goes to....

Yay!! Drew received his first interview invite two weeks ago to Case Western. For those of you who don't know... it's in Cleveland...OHIO! Mixed emotions on the location but super pumped for the interview! Just so you have an idea of the stats for this place, last entering class had almost 3,000 applicants! They only interviewed 125. And only except 61 of those for out of state seats!

So basically, Drew is starting off huge! Not to mention he as an AMAZING!! contact there. So good that this contact will be picking Drew up the morning of the interview from his Hotel, taking him to the interview, Interviewing him, and taking him to the airport after.

I don't know about you, but I don't know too many people who get rides to and from an interview by the person DOING the interview!

Needless to say, Case would be luck to have him! We'll keep you posted!

P.S. I forgot to mention something, Drew will be flying out Sept 2nd (my birthday) to go to his interview on the 3rd. Cleveland, you better be worth my husband missing my birthday!


  1. Aw sad that he has to leave you on your birthday! But yay for him getting this interview.

  2. I'm sure he'll be getting a lot more interviews! You guys are gonna have a huge decision to make :)

  3. Yay!! Congratulations to you both!! I'm way excited for you guys :D
