Last week P and I went down to my parents. Yes I know we were just there like two weeks before but the cousins were coming! I love when Parker gets to spend time with his cousins! He just loves them! And I figured itd be super fun since he could now follow them around. It was super fun, Parker acted a little bit needy and fussy almost the entire time and ate horribly, but other than that, great! First time I had made the 2 hr 20 min drive with a very squirmy Parker, he surprisingly did awesome! He fussed for like two seconds towards the end so I just turned on yo gabba gabba and we were good! I think his new seat helped too. Yep, he's all grown up and forward facing and everything! When we were at target the other day looking at seats I let him sit in one like this just to see what he'd do. He looked so happy to be in it like he was a big boy! He actually started to cry when I made him get out. so that is a big part of why we went with this one.
trying out his new seat before we put it in the car
on the way to grandmas!
look how big Harrison is getting!! I guess it makes sense, he is 5 months now!
Parker LOVE LOVE LOVES to swing! We were outside sooo much so he could swing.
cousin swing time (P was moving, just caught mid swing)
he also loved this hose nozzle. everytime we were outside he'd go looking for it.
cousins + wagon = awesome!
playin blocks with Keaton!
Harrison just chillin on the bed watching
He's gettin so big!